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During the 50s and 60s of the last century, the classic circuits that came out of the factories of  Leo Fender, Everitt Hull (Ampeg)  and others, defined instrument amplification and established the sound standards. All manufacturers of tube amplifiers, whether industrial or artisan, follow in the footsteps left by the referents and apply personal criteria that are ultimately what define the differences between one manufacturer/craftsman or another (for more information about this, please read my thoughts here:

The amplifier as an integral part of the electric guitar idea (link)


It is my opinion that the pure hard copy path of 50's 60's amps does not always produce satisfactory results; An amplifier contains many more components than a guitar or guitar/bass pickup, and it is difficult for all manufacturers of these components to accurately recreate the technology of the past. I think it's more fruitful - with or without component replicas - to go to the target, to search for the musically functional sound than to blindly implement.  the exact copy. This path is longer and more tedious since it means that one has had to try, experiment and invest many resources for years to achieve what he considers a sound at least equal or more musical than the produced in the past


The objective in my amplifiers can be summarized in 4 work areas:


  •    tone quality

  •    dynamic resolution

  •    low noise

  •    reliability




To achieve this I select classic circuits and quality materials for each case. The tone is not only given by the type of circuit, but also by the synergy of the different elements that make up the amplifier, their arrangement, angle and plane in the assembly, the working voltages and currents of the valves and even the material and dimensions of the cabinet where the electronics and loudspeaker are mounted; other mechanical issues such as the material and thickness of the "baffle" panel  they have also a considerable impact on the behavior of the sound that cannot be ignored in any way. The dynamic resolution focuses more on the power supply, its slowness or speed in delivering energy to the circuit,  but also how react certain components such as decoupling capacitors. Dynamic resolution can not only mean variations in amplitude as in the case of "clean" sounds, but also  it is dynamic resolution the variations in harmonic content in the case of "overdrive" sounds. Low noise is a matter of  proper signal path and component layout, especially for magnetic ones. Ultimately reliability is achieved by protecting the expensive parts of the amplifier from overload, mechanical rigidity, temperature control and  oversized component.


The result of more than 25 years of experience and work are the ion series that consist of 6 different types of amplifiers developed and 3 more in development. These cover the entire price range and the full spectrum of guitarist needs



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